Bad..just bad
All you did was tween words. In it you said that you had skill with flash, but oviously you don't because it didn't have a preloader. And there is somthing called the forums, it is on that orange bar and it is in between series and ng mag. You click general then at the top you press "create new topic" and fill out everything. Just thoght you should know. Also it looks like you spent 5 min on it.
Graphics: all it was was words so 0, hte font was boring
Style: Bad style, just moving words so i gave it a 0
Sound: at least it has sound (the only good part of it so I gave it a 9
Violence: N/A so I gave it a 0 (doesn't do anything to total score)
Interactivity: No preloader, just loops on forever, a 0, if I was allowed to give it anything I'd give it -6
Humor: this had no humor at all so I gave it a 0
Overall: Was really bad except the music 2